LANSING, Mich. — The state Senate on Thursday adopted, with full bipartisan support, a resolution sponsored by Sen. Lana Theis and Sen. Sylvia Santana condemning and denouncing violent activities of extremist organizations and urging the federal government to combat the spread of domestic terrorism.
“We stand together, joined as Michiganders and Americans, united for peace and understanding,” said Theis, R-Brighton. “What happened to George Floyd was horrific, unconscionable, indefensible and pure evil. We all are shocked and saddened by what we saw and have been spurred to action.
“But the voices of people who are expressing their constitutionally protected rights to peacefully protest are being overshadowed by violent groups that seek to destroy and divide. This resolution that I proudly co-sponsored with my colleague from Detroit expresses our desire to come together to condemn and denounce that behavior, so that the peaceful voices that are rightfully outraged at injustice can be heard by the government that represents them.”
Senate Resolution 122 may be read in full at
Editor’s note: Video of Theis’ remarks is available at