Senate approves Theis concealed pistol license bill

Senate approves Theis concealed pistol license bill

“Second amendment rights don’t stop during an emergency”

LANSING, Mich. — The Senate on Thursday approved Sen. Lana Theis’ legislation that would ensure county clerks issue and renew concealed pistol licenses regardless of any government shutdown.

County clerks across the state have refused or delayed issuing or renewing concealed pistol licenses during this pandemic, infringing on law-abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights, Theis said.

“The Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens cannot be infringed upon, even in times of emergency,” said Theis, R-Brighton. “People must be able to defend their life and property, especially during an emergency when it may be even more necessary. State law is clear that county clerks shall issue concealed pistol licenses to those who are qualified, and my bill will ensure that this essential service continues regardless of any declared state of emergency or executive order.”

Senate Bill 1219 would require county clerks to continue to issue and renew concealed pistol licenses regardless of any shutdown issued by executive order or public health order. The clerk’s office and law enforcement would also be required to continue providing the fingerprinting services necessary to obtain a new concealed pistol license as well.

Additionally, the bill would enable county clerks and the Michigan State Police to provide personal identification numbers to concealed pistol license holders, so they may renew their licenses online during any declared emergency.

The bill advanced to the state House of Representatives for consideration.


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